Carson Poole

Carson Poole: Reflections from the 24th Congress for New Urbanism

Carson Poole, Place Lab's project specialist, attended the 24th Congress for New Urbanism, June 8–11 in Detroit. In this SITE entry, Carson shares some reflections and takeaways from his experience at the event.

It was my first time visiting Detroit, and I was really struck by the monumental scale of downtown (where most of the conference took place), and the number of projects going on in the City that are coming from neighborhood entrepreneurs, nonprofits, City government, and the private sector. Major developments include the M1 rail line, continuing revitalization of the riverfront, conversion of vacant land to green infrastructure through low-impact development, and anchor-institution based development in the University, Hospital, and “Tech Town” areas, to name a few. There is so much work being done in Detroit that it is hard to get your arms around all of it, but it also means there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.

Conceptual image of Detroit's QLINE. Rendering: M1 Rail

Conceptual image of Detroit's QLINE. Rendering: M1 Rail

The Congress for New Urbanism is a membership-based organization that focuses largely on urban design and policy related to design and development, especially zoning and building codes. It’s members come from the fields of urban design, architecture + landscape architecture, and planning. Their key issues are transportation (and walkability), health, environment, finance, and added after last year’s congress, equity. The conference was organized with a different theme to each day, and several tracks that ran through the entire week. 

There were some fantastic speakers and workshops throughout the week at the conference, including Senior Fellow at The Kresge Foundation Carol Coletta; Detroit Planning Director Maurice Cox; former commissioner of the NYC Department of Transportation Janette Sadik-Khan; and former Mayor of Charleston, SC, Joe Riley, who gave a really amazing presentation about his 40 year run as mayor, and all of the work he had done that put human-scale planning, housing, and community-economic development at the forefront of the City’s agenda. 

Several speeches during the conference focused largely on the failures of social policy as key drivers of urban problems, and that these policies (or lack thereof) must be understood as influencing the poor design of communities and buildings, and not viewed as separate phenomenon. I took this to mean that you can design a community with all of the aspects that guide new urbanist principles, but without strong policies in place that guide their use, they ultimately fail. 

A speaker who particularly stood out to me was Scot Spencer, from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Mr. Spencer works in Baltimore, and drew a direct line between police brutality, racist policy, resulting social unrest, and issues of economic opportunity in Baltimore. He challenged the attendees in the audience to think beyond just issues of walkability, design, and mixed-used development to consider the broader landscape of policy and action that influence one’s experience of a city. 

From the workshops and seminars I attended, I think the two most important concepts I came away with that are directly tied to the work undertaken by Place Lab:

Incremental Development as a way of building neighborhood wealth. By enabling many small scale developer-residents, incremental development is a tactic for creating reciprocal benefits within a neighborhood. An Incremental Development Alliance was just funded by a Knight Cities challenge grant, and I met with one of the founders. We had a discussion about their workproducing toolkits, guides, webinars, and doing in-person workshopsas a way to ensure that local people are able to take advantage and capitalize on any value created in the neighborhoods in which work is being done. I was reminded of the work that Naomi Davis, at Blacks in Green and the South Side Homesteaders project, is doing already. 

We show up, look around, and as long as it doesn’t look like the roof is going to cave onto these kids’ heads, we let them do what they want.
— paraphrasing the Mayor of Detroit, in relation to "Pink Zones"

Lean Urbanism is a concept that happened somewhat by accident in Detroit, but one that Detroit City government and the CNU are building upon as a positive development. Lean urbanism lowers the barriers to entry and allows for more people to get involved in place-based work. Detroit city government's years-long inability to regulate development left room for innovation by residents, and allowed for people to do adaptive reuse or redevelopment without onerous permitting and oversight processes. Detroit is now exploring lean urbanism “pink zones,” where permitting and code enforcement is simplified and in many cases reduced. The Mayor of Detroit explained it as, roughly: “We show up, look around, and as long as it doesn’t look like the roof is going to cave onto these kids’ heads, we let them do what they want.” It’s good to see this concept, already in action and being piloted in many areas around the country, is gaining acceptance in the planning field. Coupled with workforce development and skill building, applying Lean Urbanism will mean that people have better opportunities to get involved in development within their own neighborhoods, build value and wealth around them, and not have to rely solely on the resources of outsiders.

What we reject is the ‘Help the Negro Industry.’ People coming into our community, thinking they know best, trying to save us. We can save ourselves...The ‘Help the Negro Industry’ is what allowed billions of dollars to come down for urban renewal, but the urban did not get renewed. We are absolutely committed that urban renewal not be repeated.
— Naomi Davis, Founder of Blacks in Green, in a 2014 interview with Newsone


Mays, Jeff. "Naomi Davis: Blacks in Green Founder Pushing For Self-Sufficient Communities Using The Green Economy." Newsone, 2014.

Carson Poole: Reflections from 'Making the West Side'

Carson Poole, Place Lab's project specialist, attended the Making the West Side Public Forum and Reception on May 19 at the Hull-House Museum. In this SITE entry, Carson shares some reflections and takeaways from his experience at the event.

Carson Poole

Carson Poole

Richard Anderson, from the National Public Housing Museum (Chicago) and Princeton, talked about the history of University of Illinois at Chicago construction, and the well-known displacement that occurred. The chord that really struck with me, and I think many other people in the room, is the poisonous legacy that exists because of the negative impacts that top down planning and development projects, in Chicago and beyond, have had on communities. It brought to mind the construction, neglect, and demolition of public housing in America, and the CHA’s struggles with it’s Plan for Transformation [see notes at end for links to more about the Plan for Transformation].
Understandably, there’s a deep mistrust of large scale interventions in planning and development, which sometimes hinders progress and holds us back from making deep investments in communities. I think that this mistrust is an important piece of the picture, and one that calls for better community engagement + empowerment approaches from the various public and private entities involved in city-building.

All that modernist urbanism failed on both sides of the Atlantic. It was a tremendous intellectual crisis because of the extent of the social meltdown and because absolute power of design and implementation had been granted to the planners.
— excerpt from interview with Andres Duany

It’s interesting to me that this mistrust spans the political spectrum—from conservatives who tout limited government and little to no public spending, to progressives who draw upon the history of urban renewal and espouse a “tactical urbanism” by way of Jane Jacobs approach to planning. I thought back to this interview with Andres Duany, founder of the Congress for New Urbanism and an influential planner and urbanist. He championed the need for regional-scale, top down interventions in things like transportation infrastructure and renewable energy development, that will inevitably require compromise from residents, but must take a primarily resident perspective and design at the human scale in order to avoid the terrible mistakes and willful displacement that has occurred in the past. 
Basically, we can’t all be NIMBYs (Not in my Back Yard) and BANANAs (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything), if we want to accomplish real, sustainable change— but we also can’t plow the Skyway through the South Side. It’s about finding that sweet spot for human scale interventions, and that happens through sincere engagement and providing people with real opportunities for participation and decision-making power.

Oil painting from the exhibition As Cosmopolitans & Strangers, an exhibition that explores Mexican Art of the Jewish Diaspora and the complexities of diversity. Part of the permanent collection of the National Museum of Mexican Art. Image: …

Oil painting from the exhibition As Cosmopolitans & Strangers, an exhibition that explores Mexican Art of the Jewish Diaspora and the complexities of diversity. Part of the permanent collection of the National Museum of Mexican Art. Image: Gunther Gerzso (1915-2000), Yellow–Green–Blue / Amarillo–Verde–Azul, 1984, oil on Masonite, NMMA Permanent Collection 2009.45.

Another speaker, Rosa Cabrera, from the UIC Latino Cultural Center, talked about her work studying cultural institutions in Chicago, and the difficulties that these institutions face embracing the multitude of perspectives, values, and identities that exist within cultural communities, rather than viewing them in monolithic terms.
All communities, cultural or otherwise, are constantly in flux, as new waves of immigration, or in some cases, depopulation, create changes in values and in shared experiences. The challenge to cultural organizations is to explore intersectional identities and intergenerational differences in culture. Cabrera felt that many cultural institutions have a need for capacity building and training aimed squarely at this issue in order for these diverse viewpoints to be expressed.


Chicago Housing Authorities Plan for Transformation

Official CHA site.

CHA report, The Plan for Transformation: An Update on Relocation [pdf]. April 2011. 

Urban Institute, CHA Families and the Plan for Transformation. A collection of research, articles, and papers the UI has produced over more than a decade of following CHA families during relocation.

 Sudhir Venkatesh and Isil Celimli, Tearing Down the Community., 2014

RSVP for the Public Convening on Ethical Redevelopment, a free and open public event at which Place Lab will explore and showcase how residents, artists, entrepreneurs, developers, and civic leaders are joining forces in a more equitable process for community revitalization.